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Green Caps

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Product Info

Product description :
GREENS CAPS is a proprietary organic superfoods blend to make it easy to get your daily servings of greens. Greens Caps is formulated with a proprietary superfoods blend to make it easy to get your daily serving of revitalizing nutrients. Our thoughtfully combined, proprietary blend of alkalizing organic grasses, superfoods, and veggies give you a burst of nutrients to help you naturally energize your life.*

Benefits :
• A bio-available source of vitamins, minerals, co-factors, and antioxidants.*
• Greens Caps are naturally alkalizing and can support the body's natural balance of acidity frequently caused by the Western Diet."
• Helps maintain blood sugar levels for those already in the normal range.*
• May help to support normal blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels already in their normal and blood cholesterol levels already in their normal ranges.*
• Greens contribute to a well-balanced diet with potential to enhance energy.*

Useful Information :
Organic raw Greens means that the naturally occurring enzymes are still active versus greens that are heat processed.

Directions :
Take two capsules with meals, once or twice a day

Net Volume:
60g (60 Capsules)

Redemption Method
*本產品未經食品和藥物管理局評估。本產品不用於診斷、 治療、治癒或預防任何疾病。
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